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Hydroponic Farms Uganda

Hydroponic Farms Uganda

Home Animal fodder systems

Hydroponic farms Uganda also design, Sale and Install animal fodders:

Our Animal fodder system are well designed at competitive offers.

The procedure includes;

Weigh 2.3 kg of barley,sorghum, yellow maize or millet seeds.
Wash seed until water comes out clear.
Discard the ones that float.
Make a solution of 2.5ml jik dissolved in 2.5 liters of water and use this solution to soak the seed for 15 minutes.
Rinse the seed with clean water 2 times.
Soak the seed for 4 hours and make sure all seeds are submerged.
Take a basin with holes at the bottom and put seed inside and then cover with a piece of cloth be watering three times per day with plain water for 2 days and make sure water drains.
Transfer the germinated seed to the tray and spread evenly leaving a gap of 1 inches at the end where holes are, be watering 3 times per day using hydroponics nutrient solution as per instructions.
Harvest after 7 days and feed the animals.
Wash and sterilize the trays using jik solution and re-seed.

Advantages of hydroponics fodder

Our patented fodder system does not use electricity. Additionally, we use locally available materials to control the temperature and humidity of the room. By the use of our patented photo-chemically treated trays, we are able to supply an array of hydroponic fodder systems which can work under high outside temperature and still not develop fungus and other pathogens. Due to our revolutionizing photo-chemically treating trays, our fodder systems are four times cheaper since there is no need of electricity to cool the system. A truly unique and innovative system!

Water usage

The hydroponic system requires a fraction of the water usage of conventional farming while still supplying high quality stock feed. It takes between 700ml to 1 liters of water to produce one kilogram of fodder as compared with 70 – 100 litres of water to grow a kilogram of green grass.

Marginal land use

This type of fodder production provides huge ecological and economical advantages For example research shows that fodder grown in a 10m x 6m shed can feed (supplement) daily, the same amount of cattle that graze on 1000 acres of pasture.

Constant food supply

Farmers using this type of fodder production are guaranteed a  consistent  supply  of  quality  fodder  365  days  of  the  year  irrespective  of  rain or   sunshine.

Reduced labour requirement

This process of growing cattle fodder requires minimal man-hours per day.  Depending on the size of the shed in use, research has shown that as little as 1 hour per day is needed to maintain and produce hydroponic fodder.

Cost effective

Our trials in Kampala have concluded that the production of hydroponic fodder is an extremely cost effective and financially viable. A system measuring 4m by 3m by 3 m high can produce 170 kg of hydroponics fodder dairy this amount of fodder can feed 14 heads of cattle.

Nutritional value

Hydroponic  fodder  is  a  highly  effective,  particularly  nutritious  feed,  which  produces maximum  protein, energy and is very rich in vitamins such as B-carotene, trace elements ,hormones, growth factors and enzymes.

The hydroponic fodder systems comes with

  1. Hydroponics housing unit

This is a custom built structure whose role is to provide a temperature controlled environment for the growing of fodder. It is built using Hydroponics cloth, timber and has a concrete floor. Inside the housing, there is shelving upon which the trays on which fodder is grown are placed. We provide the services of designing and building the Hydroponics fodder production unit. It is built according to the needs of the farmer, their financial ability and their farm location. We provide the shade netting for the structure. Locally available materials can be used in the place of timber to reduce costs.

  1. Photo-chemical hydroponics trays

These are photo-chemically treated trays to prevent fungus on which the fodder is grown. We are able to supply these trays.

  1. Seed

The best seed for growing hydroponics fodder is yellow maize. However, other cereals like wheat and sorghum can be used. We are able to supply barley to our farmers throughout Uganda.

  1. Hydroponics nutrients

These are specially formulated liquid mineral nutrients required for the growth of the fodder. They help in making the fodder more nutritious. We also supply the Hydroponics nutrients required for growing the fodder

  1. Water

One needs to have a reliable source of clean (potable) water for the fodder.

Our production units

We sell tailored hydroponic fodder packages that suit the needs of every farmer. Whether you want a smaller unit, or perhaps you wish to built it yourself, Animal Mineral and Allied can work with you to cut down you initial cost of installation. We can design hydroponic systems specific to the number of animals and land available for farming.

Here are some examples of hydroponic fodder units we manufacture:

Size of unit: 4m x 3m x 3m

No. of trays             =    70 Trays
Produces                 =    140kgs of fodder per day
Amount of water    =    140 x 1.5 = 210 litres

Can Feed
•    10 cows per day
•    70 pigs
•    47 sheep and goats
•    1,610 Birds per day

Size of unit:  5m x 3m x 3m

No. of trays            =    120 Trays
Produces                =    238kgs of fodder per day
Amount of water    =    238 x 1.5 = 357litres of water

Can Feed
•    17 cows per day
•    119 pigs per day
•    79 sheep and goats
•    2,760 Birds per day

Size of Unit  5m x 6m x 3m

No. of trays            =    180 trays
Produces               =    25 trays x 10 = 350kgs per day
Amount of water    =    350 x 1.5 = 525 litres

Can Feed
•    25 cows per day
•    175 pigs
•    167 sheep and Goats
•    4,140 Birds per day

Size of unit:  7m x 5m x 3m

No. of trays        =     230 Trays
Produces         =    448kgs per day
Amount of water    =    525 Litres
Can Feed
•    32 cows
•    224 pigs
•    149 Sheep and Goats
•    5,290 Birds per day

Size of unit:  8m x 10m x 3m

No. of trays        =    600 Trays
Produces         =    1190 kgs
Amount of water    =    1785 litres
Can Feed
•    85 cows per day
•    595 pigs
•    396 Sheep and goats
•    13,800 Birds per day

Size of unit:  10m x 12m x 13m

No. of trays        =    750 Trays
Produces         =    1,498kgs per day
Amount of water    =    2247ltres

Can Feed
•    107 Cows
•    749 Pigs
•    499 Sheep and goats
•    17,250 birds per day

Size of unit: 10m x 18m x 3m

No. of trays        =    1,150 Trays
Produces         =    2296kgs per day
Amount of water    =    3444 litres

Can Feed
•    1150 Cows
•    1198 Pigs
•    765 Sheep and Goats
•    26,450 birds per day

Size of unit:  10m x 22m x 3m

No. of trays        =    1,600 Trays
Produces         =    3192kgs per day
Amount of water    =    4788 litres

Can Feed
•    228 cows
•    1596 pigs
•    1064 Sheep and Goats
•    36,800 birds per day


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