Hydroponic Farms Uganda

Hydroponic Farms Uganda

Home Impact
Impact - Hydroponics Farms Uganda

Hydroponics Farms Uganda


Our Impact

Improved Food Security

We have enhanced food security by providing a reliable source of fresh, nutritious vegetables and fodder, regardless of soil quality or climatic conditions.

Water Conservation

Our hydroponic systems use up to 90% less water compared to traditional farming methods, making agriculture more sustainable.

Economic Empowerment

By offering affordable and scalable hydroponic solutions, we empower smallholder farmers to increase their productivity and income.

Climate Change Mitigation

Our systems reduce the need for pesticides and fertilizers, minimizing environmental impact and promoting healthier ecosystems.

Innovation in Agriculture

We integrate cutting-edge technology such as IoT for precision farming, enhancing efficiency and monitoring of crop systems.

Community Development

Through training and support, we help communities build resilient and sustainable agricultural practices, fostering growth and development.



Farmers Supported


Water Savings


Increased Yields


Community Trainings


Awards Won


Acres of Soil Saved


Workshops Conducted


KGs of Produce


  • IOT Prize 2021
  • Most Inspiring Digital Innovation by Spindle
  • Share Yourself Grant
  • European Union Agriculture Prize
  • Queens University Entrepreneurship Award
IOT European Prize Certificate

IOT European Prize Certificate

Caption: Award Ceremony of IOT European Prize
Award and Prize
Award and Prize
Award and Prize
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